Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pokemone Gpsphone Cheat

Operation: Black Flag pretofilia

"Tales of Ordinary clerical censorship. On June 23 last was made available on a website a little game of intent clearly political / satirical, called "Operation : pretofilia . You play as a priest and the objective is to prevent the police to arrest priests who commit child abuse, or intimidating parents who distract the police. There is even the possibility, in extreme cases, to involve more than one entity that is able to move the priest in peril in a safer area. As you can see the game's storyline is closely linked to current themes and it should be noted that, just for clarity, the images of the play does not show anything obscene.
In record time, the Chamber of Deputies discussed June 28 (!) The interpellation of a group of MPs calling for the closure of the website guilty of having "offended the religious feelings" and to have reproduced of child pornography "virtual", which is prohibited by a recent law. [...]
On June 30, the operator of the site ( preferred to remove the offending play to avoid harm to its connectivity provider, or perhaps be forced to get rid of the other contents of the site which are, incidentally, other games, political and social background. "
Humanity Nova # 24, July 8, 2007

All this has happened in the summer of 2007. But today, as reported by Nova Humanity to complete the story, "to nearly four years after the case came good news: the court of Pisa has fulfilled the mandate of the responsible Recognizing that the offending website via the websites sequestrated was only exercising the sacred right of criticism and satire. "

For those not familiar, Molleindustria is a website Milan was born from a collective that produces toys in Flash format closely linked to political and ethical issues of current affairs, whose purpose is to "explore the potential of the medium and persuasive deconstruct the rhetoric of mainstream video games." In addition to Operation: pretofilia fact exist a lot of other games playable or downloadable on the Internet: Oligarchy example is intended to maximize the resources of planet scattering here and there bundles; Faith Fighter is a fighting game in which the protagonists confront religious to the sound of punches to the supremacy of their beliefs; embryos fleeing is dedicated to the famous law 40; Tamatipico on precarious, and so on.

Have fun!

A Article / / Operation: pretofilia / / Molleindustria


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