Friday, February 11, 2011

Cost Of Berrings For Washing Machine


"When I stopped to look at you with that face as a beginner?
You must not humiliate.
are not capable of lying, but you can make love as a child.
Have you tried to write erotic stories so many times now that your sexual orientation is ambiguous physiognomy as your personality.
Do not take on a science fiction, metaphysics is not your job and do not even want it to be, if not for quell'irrefrenabile impulse that sometimes takes you, with the imagination to build a network of linked events and unfailingly focus it in your head, give names to people and places, animate their movements.
To get to build what?
to meet only your will to live those lives of others - other lives - who do you think are definitely more interesting than yours, and you do not realize that instead you had every opportunity and you have so much time to make real everything you self-made, thanks to you, your IQ above average.
All this has to do with selfishness, love has to do with that part of your subconscious mind that comes alive every time you lose, because your nature is not allowing it to continue to do so.
There are two men in you: one that kills and a who loves , you understand. "


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