Always on the run, then at this time .... But to take this opportunity to give two small ideas.
The first is a last-minute centerpiece: a raised section, decorated with a candle in the center and around ... whatever you want!
I put nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pieces of cinnamon, golden tassels, wooden bells, a few knobs, a pine cone, a sprig of Christmas, some branch of fake fir ... In short, everything you want, maybe that advances the Christmas tree.

Dissolve 30 grams (but 25 will fit, then if you lengthen the time to rise even less) of yeast with 1 dl of warm water and a teaspoon of sugar. Pour into a bowl with 500 grams of flour 00 with a glass of warm water, two tablespoons of olive oil and mix well, add two teaspoons of salt and continue to knead for at least ten minutes until a soft elastic ball. Let stand for half an hour.
Take 20 grams of dough and form of cylinders with a diameter of a finger and about 20 cm long, and my dough was very soft and I could not train them well, maybe add a little flour, one end will be a little more tapered.
Put them in a pan with baking paper, brush with beaten egg and let rise 10 minutes, with the tip of the scissors drill small cuts on the diagonal rods in the non-tapered to form a herringbone pattern of cuts.
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