Comrades, workers return to work was born in Turin, the archive contains a century of life in the factories: posters, flyers, photographs. And so we are to live for the first time, not only the voice of the struggle but also that of the master
A single, large chest for storage of over a century of memories of the work. Work was, of factory work, the battles and struggles around work took place, the victories and defeats. It happens in Turin, where to give birth to the Ismel, the new common stock that will be presented on 18 and 19 November, have combined their efforts very different protagonists: the city authorities and the Piedmont Gramsci Institute Foundation Nocentini Salvemini, with the support of the CGIL, CISL and UIL, Union of Industrial and Archival Fiat. So, come the drawers more or less where they were kept secret documents never seen before, from the posters of the anti-strike industrial league in points in 1920 in which he thanked the Fiat, sixty years later, who "despite the pressures and the climate of violence" was not on strike .
Flyers and old photos also tell how the different unions and companies have tried over the years the consent of workers and citizens to the history of industrial watched from outside. How did the Fiom fifties, which called for Fiat to produce cars popular, and then called it a "great victory" symbol of the success of the economic boom, the seventeenth century. O
the CISL, one of the first unions to personalize with photos the posters for the election of the council. An alloy wire, beyond ideology, icons chosen by the designers called from time to time to illustrate and posters: gear, lathes, tools, men and women in overalls, a way of showing the rough side and heroic machines and workers, the hard face and a great country which is faced, divides, grows and supports the effort to become an industrial power. Style and language that evoke, often contradictory to the intentions of the promoters, the Soviet realism, a strong and direct, sometimes very effective.
dell'Ismel The project, moreover, attended by leading scholars the history of labor and industry, from Valerio Castronovo to John Avonto (the first president, the others will follow in rotation), Sergio Scamuzzi Gian Vaccarino. The Ismel will soon have a house in the former military quarters of the city that houses the Museum of the Resistance: the Compagnia di San Paolo has allocated seven million euro to renovate the buildings and five kilometers
digitize documents and four companies are adhering to project. "This is not only to preserve - saying Tiziana Ferrero, Head of the identity of the new school - but to give uniformity to a huge heritage which for now remain the property of individuals. The objective and disseminate the values \u200b\u200bof the labor movement without being deaf to those of the enterprise. " Turin, in short, is celebrating its most famous product, the work.
© Vera Schiavazzi
Culture - La Repubblica, November 14, 2010
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