I just saw the alarm of the mobile phone began to beat my drum sound with syncopated and terrible and I opened his eyes slowly.
The turn to the window I saw that coming and I winked sfidandomi.Arrivava slow and taking my hand led me inside the stadium, leaving me alone and sleepy.
The ball is on the disc of the center circle but the referee had already whistled for 24 hours the start of the game until the visiting team touches the ball.
not in a hurry.
stands there motionless with his first whistle to stop play, to influence the outcome of the meeting with blatantly unfair decisions without feeling compelled to give me an spiegazione.Il public begins to rumble in the stands and also expects to make part, to jump up to applaud and in my name or curse my inability and my arrogance, to reach out to spit in my face from the stands while sad leaving the playing field.
are in midfield and look to touch the damn ball and I know that no referee and no public may affect the ability of those in campo.Nessun outsider to what my colleague synapses to my legs and my feet, can stop me from pretending to dribble with a hand-to-left opponent to pause for a moment to straighten the CG-take the ball on the right foot and neck bag of anger behind the portiere.Si just to pass the ball and begin the ' azione.Buon years to me.
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