Solaro The dinner for the party of the Republic is the usual merry revelry fish wine and red flags and arrives punctually the usual request of silence for the hook, "ch 'i gà quarcò infantry to say!" The laid silent and young and old, children, mothers and grandmothers, all of you stop to chat, eat and listen to this great man with blue eyes , his voice hoarse, firm, fair, threatening those who dare to not voting for these elections imminent. "I always speak of the constitution that they say that they are boring!" Gancia the thunder from its 82 years, "But for me the mountains anaerobic doi ani cò Sten no hand in it myself boring landscape !"..( applause) ..
Gancia continues to speak of that world that he says he can see every day in the eyes of the young, young "liberated," as he calls them, that world that is disappearing slowly in straight lines around every day to make room for another "world".
That world that does not have respect for those who have washed the blood and attempts to equate freedom with a law the Republican fascist who fought against him.
That world and forget that rewrites history, and especially those who made it.
That world of young people who do not know why the school is closed on April 25, June 2 and I'm not here to celebrate with him.
The world is talking about the hook, the Commander Devil, he spoke of Varese, they are talking about and have almost all the grandparents spoke Italian and Liguria in general is slowly disappearing.
That world that you wanted to build on respect, tolerance on freedom and equality has been crushed by the xenophobic country patrols, the continuing deaths of workers, the Presidents and mobsters whoremongers.
Ends dinner and we're talking with "guardian" to tavolo.Bevono, smoke, sing, celebrate short. "In my day (Ivan tells us) mousse had mica so easy to ed!" (General laughter) .. we did not go to dance, and the resistance we have not to tell the cold that we had in the mountains as we have done to make anaerobic infantry in Bala and go too! for a country where and be happy all the same! "
sing with them and they all join the chorus that echoes in the green hills of olive groves overlooking the Gulf.
The Gancia sing for those who are no more and died beside him,
Flower for 20 years that no one will ever back
Coclite for the great idea of \u200b\u200bthat man had socialism and all that they say is now dead,
And I sing for my children if I have,
that anything will be told to read or study books, men will never know who died for them on my mountains,
can never say "Thank You" looking into his eyes, nor hear their strange stories in the evenings of June, when the air is warm
but the blowing wind from the sea comes in bursts apungere skin
to remind to remember.
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