Religion, like politics, is something purely personal beliefs and arguments are completed with our daily experience that make the man in his practical and dynamic in its dealings and in his reflections. For this Father
Sergij is a story of education, religious education and human. Recounts the events of that Stepan Kasatskij, Colonel orders of Tsar Nicholas I, who concluded a process of spiritual maturity when his bride confesses that he has already loved. Hence the transformation Sergij Father and the new ecclesiastical life - the writer's alter ego - who will not, however, immune from the dangers of earth which was Stepan previously subject. The now
monaco, sometimes a hermit, is having to deal with the sensuality and his pride as a soldier and a man - as claimed sister "had done to put Monaco higher than those who had wanted to demonstrate to be higher than him " - that still haunt him and not allowed to live this new dimension to the full. So Tolstoy allows us to live this experience as a kind of inner struggle between the desires and the sense of worldly power and salvation of the soul that is resolved only when Sergij, now revered as a saint, but still forced to be an impostor, realize what the real and only force capable of moving spirituality of a person: the love of god and neighbor, rather than to himself. Can it find peace, but only when they finally put aside his pride to be "first class".
"The sources of that inner struggle were two: the doubt and carnal lust. And he always rose up these two enemies together. He seemed to have two different enemies, but it was only one. "
" I lived for men on the pretext of God, and she lives for God, image of life for men. Yes, one good deed, a cup of water supply without thought of reward, is more precious than all the benefits that I brought to the people. "
" How much less important had the opinion of men, the more strongly we felt God "