E finally arrived that day. There were so many waiting, so many that God exhausted from all that noise and screams of dialects, he decided to throw open the huge gate and out into the open. Marasmus is a little faded and he began with a host of helpers to guide men to the place they deserved each making them put in several rows. Suddenly a young man who suddenly broke through the lines and began to advance resolutely towards God was beautiful and handsome, with golden blond hair and blue eyes like the sea, but his clothes torn, his tie in his hand and face crossed by dark circles.
Suddenly, all noise ceased. The young man came in just before God, staring at him amused, said: "I Neoliberalism" He fell down and tortured by the terror screaming "forgive" God did not change and then the young man pulled up his face and dries the tears began to speak. "I have deceived men so far and made to serve penance for my falsehood to all humanity." God asked him to continue. Not that he was particularly concerned, it was rather because men around the boy might hear the same voice of the sinner from sin and for a good time to come out of their blissful ignorance. "I passed all my chances," he continued Neoliberalism, "I was convinced I could fix the route and regulation of a time lost the plot, but it was too late. " "I played with the men in the shell game, you know how it works is simple Well the player is charged for each hand to find the ace on three cards, so that it is not difficult, the point is that besides the speed of the dealer, the deck is always rigged, so as not to risk, and then the bank always wins. I have all led to believe that there was nothing easier than to find easy money in the pockets by following my advice. I was also pretty good, you have to recognize, to convince the world at my hands and knees to bend the rules. The states have disappeared with their governments to make room for my bank to my corporations good game and I had to whisper in the ear of some politicians that the welfare state was wholly unnecessary and was eliminated, that the unions were nuisance and that the only thing that mattered was to abolish any kind of rule, and then we all feasted on my table and the dishes would never be finished. " While the young people kept talking about was coming. Some were red-faced and wanted to jump in the throat of the boy, other, twenty-four hours under arm and a pile of newspapers for a different day of the week trying to distance themselves for fear of being lynched by the enraged majority. Most had a face like he has a child on Christmas gifts and discarded under the tissue paper and ribbons Satin has found the empty box. Meanwhile Neoliberalism continued. "I've got to like you know, I was everywhere else but you, excuse me if I would, but I have worked for twenty years and more without even a rest day and in all places in the world to come together. Lately I've had some 'problems in Latin America since the new leftist governments have signed economic treaties with which they tried to free himself from me and the policy of the states that are faithful to me, what a shame with all those resources and that oil .. . We are staying hurt my North American friends know? But now no longer in fashion the military coup bankrolled by the intelligence, I said to my disciples. To plug the mouth of these aspiring heroes serve fountain, a good liver and accounts in the Cayman Islands, I tried to explain it to George, but what can you do he's a cowboy soul, loves the solutions to General Custer with the cavalry coming to riddle the Indians, and this method does not pay more with all the nosy journalists who are in the Leopard giro.Ho given to the new president to enlighten him on how to protect myself, hmmm .. the author's name escapes me now! "Tomasi di Lampedusa" suggested God, "Ecco.bravo" Neoliberalism said. "If we want to keep it this way, things will change." The conditions to do well I'd say there are. Do you think that in a few years I have completely changed the habits of the inhabitants of the planet costumes in order of nutrition, urbanization, and no one batted an eyelid. By lunchtime I was in Beijing burgers and sushi for dinner in Madrid. I convinced the world that I was a totem before which led worship and my followers to sanctify each day when the "imam" holy to the minarets of my money that I spread on all continents, from Wall Street to London to Milan Stock Exchange, mustering my sheep to read licenses that miraculously came up and poured more virtual cash on their heads. I created a chasm between developing countries and poor countries have been as great as my lies and my promise of eternal prosperity. The collapse of the Wall and the collapse of the Soviet gave me a big hand in promoting my dogmas, we say that was a joke, so had a thirst for freedom beyond the wall that now are almost at home in Moscow and Prague than in London or New York. My fast-food restaurants have replaced those stupid cooperatives and large avenues hours constant light, the smell of burnt beef carried by the wind, my maids running around in fur coat and boots, to create wealth and provide services. "Meanwhile, the situation had degenerated . A group of small entrepreneurs from Bergamo was killing a banker with a cat o 'nine tails that went hand in hand bloodstained. "Toh! Take it!, This is for my money you have reinvested the same security of a drunk playing roulette. " They ran the brokers chased by angry mobs of investors and the poor, waiting for the decisions serene with the peace of God who has a full kappa on the flop and he knows he has already won the game. However there were those who were not at all touched by the situation. In 3564 a gentleman ranks No. distinto.Stava persuading a group of Argentines who, if properly remunerated, would have made progress in a row. God noticed it and relapsed was thrown in last place, while the money of the rash is incinerated in his hands. "Is in their nature serve me see!" He went on Neoliberalism. They used to sell and to give a price even with the wishes and the events on which still have no decision-making power. "I am not your salvation! I never have been! Screamed destroyed by tears in the direction of the crowd as he tore the linen shirt and scourged with his blackbarry in the face as the blood dripped on her white chest.
again turned to God he was there, imperturbable waited to finally begin the sorting of mortals. The Lord snapped his fingers and hand to hand people over and above the great door or down the stairs placed a little further. When was the turn of the young God paused a moment and then said, "Son I decided that I will not be judged like everyone else, I will kill myself and die among the worst suffering and I will not have mercy for even a second of your body and your soul, "Neoliberalism, pale face said," Lord, but I have be judged not dead! Send me to hell but do not kill me! "
God, as he prepared to massacre them, laughing in his big mustache said," I also like not having rules at times. "